Dreams: Eyes Closed

Eyes Closed

Words by Sarah Michael
Illustration BY MariaLaura Fedi


Our eyes are closed when we dream, everything within us is focused. In our dreams the world around us is silently still and nothing else matters except the dream that engulfs us.

Dreaming is passion, energy, beauty and fulfilment.

Listen to your heart when it comes to the vision that you have for your life. There is nothing more beautiful than to be led by your own passion and to be led by your heart. Following the dreams of others is not the dream that lies within you, it is theirs to nurture, cherish and uphold.

Focusing on the dreams of others or watching others live their dreams will only take you further away from what belongs to you and what is already within you. Living the dream of someone else will never satisfy your heart. 

Lead your own path and be intentional about the direction that you have chosen to walk upon. If you do not listen to your heart and walk your own path, then whose dream are you living?

Your dream and vision Is a gift to the earth, don’t forget that when we dream we do it with our eyes closed. Following the dream dreamt by someone else can eventually become your own nightmare, be authentic in the pursuit of your dreams and embrace your journey.

Social media can be your biggest inspiration or your biggest hindrance - the choice is yours. Often we are taken back by the sight of everyone else appearing to live their dream and at that point we think that our dream can never be brought to reality, this defeatist mentality will take you further away from what belongs to you.

The dreamer is fuelled from within enabling the dream to be fulfilled. 

You will get tired along the way but you will still be able to keep pressing on because you have enough fuel. It is not about the length of the journey, as long as you know where you are going, the length of the journey won’t matter. 

Taking a break does not mean that the journey is over. 

Live that dream, the one that whispers from within, the one that keeps your mind engaged at night. That dream that no-one else seems to understand but you. Go after your dream with all the fuel that you have inside of you. 

You are the one who has the fuel to make your dream your reality.

ArticleEdvinas Bruzas