Don’t be Afraid to Vision

Don’t be Afraid to Vision

Written by Thomasina R. Legend


Create a vision for yourself and dream massively big for the future. Do not be afraid to dream and vision big and do not be terrified of going after those things that set your soul on fire when you think of them. Nothing is given to us. We have to create the things we want to see and get in this world, work diligently, hard, smart and wisely for them. It is important to vision big as we have seen through the entire issue. Like Helen Keller says “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision”. Without vision, you can have sight and still be physically blind. Have you ever wondered how and why the greats such as the legendary Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder made it to the level they did in life? Because they had vision that was more powerful than the physical ability of being able to see. 

The clearer your vision, the faster and quicker you gravitate towards it and it towards you. Create and set clear mental images of what you want and who you want to be and make conscious efforts to set well defined goals, aims and objectives that will enable you get closer to manifesting your vision. That very simple act of dreaming and visioning has powerful confidence boosting abilities where your self-confidence and esteem raises and goes through the roof. You become more aware of yourself and begin to appreciate yourself more and even have the ability to open you up to practising self-love, as this is so important. We are so busy trying to look after others that we tend to look after ourselves and love ourselves, flaws and all. 

If you had an assurance that you will be definitely successful, what would you dare to dream/vision if you knew that there was zero chance of failure? Now, whatever it is that just flashed into your mind, write it down and start imagining the achievement of it. You are guaranteed success so why not? Now that you have imagined the end success, start thinking of how you got there. Even though you are guaranteed success, you still need to do something to get there so what are the steps you took to get and achieve the success that you have envisioned? Outline things like what are some of the things that you would change in your life, what would you start or abandon, who would you walk away from or pull closer and what would your life look like in all its perfect glory. Write all those down and read them over and over and when it is etched in your brain, take the steps to make it come to fruition. If you don’t take the first step, nothing will change and it will be what it is, just dreams.

It is ok to be scared but do it anyway. Be clear and know that your vision will take time. It is not magic. You will need to put in the work day in and day out to make it happen. Sometimes it will take years but use the time as you build and wait for it to manifest to appreciate the people around you who truly support you and want you to win at all cost. I can’t stress this enough. Do not take your foundation pillars that are your confidants for granted. Show them how much you appreciate them by being there and fighting for your vision just as they turn up to urge you on. Show them signs of love, kindness and gratitude no matter how insignificant that you may think. Building strong relationships is another route to great success. Never take it for granted. Also invest in yourself as you work on your vision and wait for it to materialise into your visual dreams. 

There will be tough times, darker than night times, challenges and struggles that will shake your very core but hold on to the vision. Do not give up. Those times are only orchestrated to make you stronger and even more resilient when you get to the top because it doesn’t get easier as you grow, you only get wiser and work smarter. Appreciate the journey. I say again, APPRECIATE THE JOURNEY. Do not rush the process. A lot of people are in a hurry to get to the top and when they get there are completely empty and have no clue how things work or appreciate the substance of what they have and end up loosing everything and go straight back to the bottom. Appreciate the process. Cry when you want to and feel like, let loose when you need to, take care of your emotional, spiritual and physical self.  

Go and create your best self. Create the VISION of your life. Start now, start today and don’t let fear intimidate you.


ArticleEdvinas Bruzas